"As your strategic partner,
we specialize in pay program design, productivity improvement and
performance management."
David Wudyka, Managing Principal
Westminster Associates
Compensation & HR Consultant - Westminster Associates
Compensation & HR Consultant, Westminster Associates was founded in 1983 as trainers of compensation professionals. Westminster Associates has evolved into a full-service Human Resource and Compensation consulting firm. Today, we offer a wide range of HR and Compensation services for organizations of all sizes, in areas such as Pay Program Design, Productivity Improvement, and Performance Management.
What’s more important than what we do is what we strive to achieve for our clients. At Westminster Associates, this effort is based on a simple goal: to be your strategic partner and to assist you as a Compensation & HR Consultant. We accomplish this by establishing close and supportive relationships in which we work both for and with you. Strategic partnerships allow us to serve as the entire HR function where none exists, complement the role of small HR functions in mid-size firms, or assist larger, well-established HR functions on a project basis to improve employee and organizational performance.
Westminster Associates
60 Spring Street, Wrentham, MA 02093
Tel: 508-883-9770